I wanted to play Doom until I could at least get by these levels on Ultra-Violence and experience them on their own terms. I remember when I was first getting back into Doom and I was held enraptured by gameplay videos, watching the players never-ending confrontation against overwhelming odds in wondrously imaginative environments tempered with shades of author amusement. I would like to think that 2004s Deus Vult (as well as its development Hell sequel, Deus Vult II ) has left a profound influence in its wake. Deus Vult 2 Doom By gerazapen1975 Follow | Publicįire Walk With Me is clearly evident in Deus Vult s second half where much of the connective tissue is composed of similarly volcanic channels on top of using the same music ( Heretic s E1M4) for MAP03, building on the revenants-in-curved tunnel set piece encounter, and having its own Hellmouth.